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UNEM .. 60 years of production

IMG_1331As the National Union Of Morroccan Students celebrates its 60th anniversary since first existed, we can not let such enormous event go without stopping at the significant role this organization plays in spreading students’ awareness, and make their voices be heard  for all these 60 taugh years. Yet, formed their first choice towards freedom and justice.

It is known all over the world, that students’ union in general has a representative function, it is an organization that represent university students both within their faculties and externally. However, the main purposes of such organizations are to improve the social and educational conditions of students, and to provide them with facilities,support and services. From that prespective,The National Union Of Morroccan Students stand as an independent union that is run by students themselves.

Through my short experience with this union, I can tell that it believes strongly that the importance of the presence and engagement of student voice is as essential as the educational process itself, since it teaches young adults responsability for their education by emerging them in all activities whether it was : educational, cultural or syndicalisticly.

A sense of proudness is acheived when it is realised, that whilst other organizations may have changed their faith, dedication and appreciation to their causes with the shifting changes of society and politics, our union remain consistent to its attitudes, with  touches of creativity and renewals of course. This all started then with the ones who dreamed and imagined the future of student movement how could be, and work really hard towards their distant vision, goals and purposes, that at last Morroccan students can be unified under one single framework.

This 60th anniversary is an opportunity to take a journey back through the history of the union, to discover how everything first started in details and how it has change drammatically over these 60 years. Being part of the union by then was certainly a very different role from now. But regardless of the ins and outs, ups and downs that take place over time, I am quite sure that as it is an ultimate principle for us now to be active and create change, it was same by then too.

This celebration is also a chance to remember all the sacrifices that have been made before, and to emphasize the significance of a unified work in making change as well as creating a strong flourishing union.

I can not miss such opportunity to shed light on the improvement of females students role too, whom proved the effectiveness of their abilities and skills also demonstrated their worth of being part of this union. 

This 60th anniversary is an important occassion to thank the general secretariat and the national coordinating committee with all its branching offices in every Moroccan university, since their jobs is unbelievably challenging, yet they are such animated, captivating and responsable spirits. Likewise, thanking all whom paved the way for the success of this union.

In a nutshell, through one’s exprerience at this union, it can be clearly noticed how positive is the impact of this union on students’ personality in general, since every action the union takes and every decesion it makes is for the sake of insuring their rights.

Least not last, The National Union Of Morroccan Students, might be diverse in all faculties but it is never to be devided. It is one strong union, leading to empowering Morroccan students to acheive their ambitions about their universities and their educational system,to deliver the change they want to see in them, and to make the most out of university experience .

Last, may we all stay loyal to our union, and may it remain always a shelter for all students to rise against all types of oppression, infairness and aggression.

Student:Hajar skifa


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