جدد مكتب التعاضدية بكلية الشريعة فاس سايس اعضاءه وممثليه . وقد بدأت عملية استقبال الترشيحات من يوم الإثنين الفارط 9 ماي و امتدت عملية الاقتراع أيام 16 و 17 ماي 2016 . وعبر الطلاب عن وعيهم بمركزية هياكل الاتحاد الوطني لطلبة المغرب بمشاركتهم المكثفة في الانتخابات الطلابية و منح أصواتهم لمن يستحق.
thank you Tina! Your comment brought tears to my eyes in the many kind things you wrote. It's true that you never really know what path you will take and you have to work each and every opportunity as hard as you can – capitalize on it, if you will – because no one else is going to do it for you. You will find your direction, even if you take a meandering path to do it. HoneIt!s'll do more of an explanation on the clutch a little later this month.Thanks for your sweet words, they meant so much!xoxoCarly
thank you Tina! Your comment brought tears to my eyes in the many kind things you wrote. It's true that you never really know what path you will take and you have to work each and every opportunity as hard as you can – capitalize on it, if you will – because no one else is going to do it for you. You will find your direction, even if you take a meandering path to do it. HoneIt!s'll do more of an explanation on the clutch a little later this month.Thanks for your sweet words, they meant so much!xoxoCarly